You’re mad. Bonkers. Off your head. But I’ll tell you a secret; all the best people are.

- Alice in Wonderland

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Bridal Shower Gift Ideas...

I am going to a bridal shower for a friend that I am not all that close with, but thought it would be fun to actually go out and do something! So, my question to you all is what kind of gift do I get her? She's more like an acquantiance, but we laugh and have a good time when we hang out! As you all know I have a hard time with gift giving, so I need some help! Remember, I am low on funds, but I saw a movie once that said you should never go to a party empty handed!


Kjell Crowe said...

just get her a gift card to Victoria Secret!
20 bucks

Anonymous said...

Give her some salami.

lindsy said...

victoria's secret has these cute satin undies that say bride on them embroidered with little rhinestones. saw them the other day. they can't be more than 15 for the one pair.

E B said...

You know, I'd say it depends on if she's a practical person or romantic: if she's practical get her a nice cheese grater. I love the one Leah gave me!