You’re mad. Bonkers. Off your head. But I’ll tell you a secret; all the best people are.

- Alice in Wonderland

Monday, January 30, 2012

Facebook Fast

So, I have come to the conclusion that I am slowly giving up on Facebook. I will keep my profile, but I am tired of feeling like I have to check FB all the time. I KNOW I have other important things to do with my time. My goal is to just check it once a week. Seriously, I do not need to check FB every day... no one's life is that important that I need to follow it on FB (sorry sisters, but it's true). Call me or email me the deets of your life.

I was also reading an article about how FB makes people depressed. I can agree to that. I have had moments when I am looking through my friends and I see their amazing life and wish mine was that amazing. With these thoughts, I tend to start heading down the path of depression. "Comparison is the death of contentment" and I don't need to compare my life with others.

Moral of this story is I am going to focus my efforts on more positive activities, rather than hang out on FB.

Friday, January 20, 2012

I LOVE the Gym!

I am not sure if it is because I have grown up lifting weights (started in high school) or the fact that I have been active all my life, but I absolutely love going to the gym. My number one reason why:

--We are all there to accomplish the same goal- GET HEALTHY!

Yes, some people might be more vain than others. And yes, there are women that look this:

I get a little self- conscious and start doubting myself.

However, I quickly remind myself why we are all here: To maintain a healthy body. I look around and I see people sweating, making silly faces as they lift, and some are doing obscene moves. Yet, it all brings a smile to my face because we are all taking part in an effort to stay healthy. Gyms are not for everyone- but they sure do make me happy.