You’re mad. Bonkers. Off your head. But I’ll tell you a secret; all the best people are.

- Alice in Wonderland

Friday, March 1, 2013

Remember when.....

Remember when you used to get these notes in class, in the hallways, after school, on the bus, in the mail? Those were the good old days. I absolutely loved getting letters. I would practice all kinds of different ways to fold my letter. The best was when I liked someone and was able to fold it into a heart.

I remember when Thad Crews and I had a thing- to this day I am still not sure what it was. He was the first boy in high school to ever pay attention to me and I was super immature! Anyway, he ALWAYS passed me a note or had someone deliver it. To tell you the truth, they were probably some of the best notes I have ever received. So genuine and real- he never held back to let me know that he liked me. There were times that the letters even came with something special: a sticker, a little piece of candy, or a flower. He made me feel special. It was only for a short time, but those letter sure made me happy.

Don't get me wrong, I do love to text. It makes it easier to send a quick message and still be able to go about my business...but, being able to open up a letter, waiting in anticipation to read what it says is magical. I am not sure if kids still send notes in class or when passing the hallways. A part of me hopes it still happens.  


Unknown said...

I agree a letter is soo much more personal, it means someone took the time to write out their thoughts. I hope people do that still today.

Unknown said...

I loved it when people use to do that with me as well, i think it is more personal to write a letter oppose to text or email. Its nothing more romantic than a hand written letter...

Ahmad Nawaz said...
