You’re mad. Bonkers. Off your head. But I’ll tell you a secret; all the best people are.

- Alice in Wonderland

Friday, March 22, 2013

"Fail" is such a strong word...

Bare with me as I try to fight through my thoughts on this one.....

First- I totally get what this is saying. As a religious person, I know God has my back. He never leaves me and loves me for who I am. I am not, by any means, a perfect person. But, I do try hard to live a good life, full of achievements, big or small; full of happy moments; full of kindness and charity.

With that being said, this quote kinda rubs me the wrong way when it says, "...because I fail him daily." FAIL is such a strong word. It makes it sound like my life, each day, is a failure. Like I haven't done anything right to please God. Yes, I sin every day, but that is part of this life; part of living. It does not make me a failure. 

Am I reading too far into this quote? Probably. I know they were playing off the word "fail" but it's little things like this that can make people have doubts about God. Why believe in something I am going to fail at constantly? Goodness, that sounds impossible.

Life is hard enough without being reminded about failing.... Shouldn't we focus on the positives. I like this simple quote instead:


Enough said!


Anonymous said...

I will use this in my talk this month. Very good thoughts right around what I always like to remind people about living life. We have to be reminded of this or we get consumed with failure and guilt.

Anonymous said...

This is very true and is the reason many fall short because they feel not able to match up to the intended requirement that may take eternities to accomplish.

Anonymous said...

This is very true and is the reason many fall short because they feel not able to match up to the intended requirement that may take eternities to accomplish.

Eloquintart said...
