You’re mad. Bonkers. Off your head. But I’ll tell you a secret; all the best people are.

- Alice in Wonderland

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Check out my 2 funny fart stories: 1st story: 2nd story: This one's for Ashleigh

Sometimes you will cry
and no one will see your tears...
Sometimes you will laugh
and not one will see you smile...
Sometimes you will fear
and no one will see you shudder...
Sometimes you will lie
and no one will catch you...
Sometimes you will fall
and no one sees you struggle...
Sometimes you will be late
and no seems to notice...
BUT JUST FART ONE TIME............................


Anonymous said...

Skye is that the truth or what. I tried to be secret and I told Brenda and Alex I would be right back because I had to let one go. I started walking away and bam it just slipped out and was the loudest thing you ever heard and they just started laughing so loud. Boy was I embarrassed. MOM

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Been there, done that!! Us Stoddard know how to let it roar!! Dont we!!! and each time is even funnier than last; FARTS never get old to us.
Mom, yours smell like roses.
SKye, check my blog, its back up an running, I did not lose a damn thing!

Anonymous said...

I don't know about you guys but I don't fart-never have.

Love Dad