You’re mad. Bonkers. Off your head. But I’ll tell you a secret; all the best people are.

- Alice in Wonderland

Monday, December 15, 2008


We got all dressed up for the semi-formal regional gala... Basically a church dance! IT was loads of fun and got to head up to the Boston area! It was quite the adventure (started late, couldn't find a place to park, had to walk in the freezing cold, got terrible cafe food). However, I got my groove on like I usually do and made the night a fun filled dance experience for all =)


Kjell Crowe said...

can you be any cuter????

man, you're such a freakin HOTTIE!!!

Anonymous said...

Man, you are beautiful! I cannot believe no one has snatched you up yet! You look so gorgeous sister-face, really, you do. I would love to have been there to cut a rug with you and to laugh at you dancing, swinging your arms around, twisting, turning, I love dancing with you! Memories! Did you have fun?

Anonymous said...

Ok second picture down, you look like you are holding cigarette and Lindsay looks like she is holding beer. WHAT KIND OF PARTY WERE YOU REEEEAAAAALLLLY at Skye???? UH HUH! CAUGHT YOU!

SKYE said...

So I have to agree to that!! hahah We know how to party! J/K... Luckily were just holding water cups!