You’re mad. Bonkers. Off your head. But I’ll tell you a secret; all the best people are.

- Alice in Wonderland

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A-Z Now You Know Me

A- Attached or Single? Definitley Single!
B-Best Friend? Lindsy, Ashleigh, Toni, and my sisters!
C-Cake or pie? CAKE.. can squeeze it out of a bag!
D-Day of choice? Thursday or Saturday
E-Essential Item? A good book, IPOD & STRAWS
F-Favorite color? Pink and Blue
G-Gummy bears or worms? Both
H-Home town? Springville, California
I-Favorite indulgence? Chocolate covered cherries
J-January or July? July
K-Kids? Nope
L-Life isn't complete without? Laughing super hard!
M-Marriage date? Not married
N-Number of brothers and sisters? 1 brothers and 2 sisters, I am the youngest
O-Oranges or Apples? Apples, easier to eat!
Q-Quote? It’s better to make wishes not knowing if they will come true, than not wishing for anything at all
R-Reasons to smile? My family, my dogs, my friends, my health, the gospel!
S-Season of choice? SPRING! Flowers are out; it’s not too hot or too cold
T-Tag 4 people- Hate tagging people because then they feel obligated
U-Unknown fact about me? I have a slight fear of ordering food, whether it is on the phone or in person.
V-Vegetable- Zucchini
W-Worst habit? Suction cup ear thing
X-Xray or Ultrasound? Either
Y-Your favorite food? SEAFOOD!, Mexican and Italian.
Z-Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Does Skye like doing these things? sure


lindsy said...

I am SOOOOO happy that this post included the suction cup ear thing. It had to be somewhere on your blog!

Anonymous said...

OH SKYE HOW CUTE! Tell him to get a move on! UGH!